September 6th - October 10th, 2019

Tidal Cheryl Maeder Miami FL | Giannina Coppiano Dwin Miami FL Gustavo Oviedo Miami FL | Lisa Reindorf Boston MA September 6th – October 10th, 2019 Tidal is a group exhibition…

July 19th - August 28th, 2019

Blanco +1 2nd Annual Juried Exhibition July 19th – August 28th, 2019 2019’s theme was blanco +1 and as the title states all works submitted had to contain white plus…

June 12th – June 26th, 2019

            Jessie Laura is a mixed media artist and art director living and working in Brooklyn, NY. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design.…

May 13th – May 27th , 2019

          Jeanne Jaffe is a multi-disciplinary artist who is Professor Emeritus in Multi-disciplinary Fine Arts at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia, a visiting artist/professor at…

June 7th - July 13th, 2019

Collage June 7th – July 13th, 2019 Collage is a group exhibition featuring artist using the timeless medium and process in their work. The exhibition aims to highlight the varying ways…

The Modernism Project Kim Rae Taylor July 2019 A selection of work from the 40 pieces in The Modernism Project on view in the Back Room Gallery for July. An…

Stuck In The South Dorothy Janel Sutton May 2019 “Observe the life moving like a river around you… and realize that the images you make may become part of the…

April 2019

Les Derrieres Michelle Drummond April 2019   As the name translates, the “Backsides” or “Bottom”, sustains itself as a symbol of culture, power, and beauty. Across sexualities, genders and preferences,…

February 23rd, 2019

Up & Down A Pop-Up Exhibition Happy Hour February 23rd, 2019 Arts Warehouse celebrated our 1 year anniversary with this exhibition. Over 70 artists brought work in to hang for…

July 2018

Body Language Hana Davis July 2018 Hana is an abstract artist recognized by her figurative subject matter with active strokes of lines and colors. “I love watching the movement of…