LONG POSE Open Figure Studio w/Model

Bring your own materials and set up in the figure studio as the nude model holds long poses for detail work. This is a self-guided session!

First Friday Art Walk | December

Arts Warehouse is open late for First Friday Art Walk! Explore several other arts venues around the Delray Beach downtown area. Art Walk Maps will be available for pick up…

Sunny Strokes: Beginners Sunflower Watercolor

Register Here Led by Jenny K (Living Pattern) All Levels Welcome. All supplies are included. Enter the cheerful world of sunflowers in this engaging 2-hour watercolor workshop. Learn to capture…

Five Color Abstract Landscape Painting

REGISTER HERE An abstracted landscape is a concept of a landscape rather than explicit image of a landscape. We will create a mood rather than an exact depiction. You will…

Open Figure Studio w/Model

REGISTER HERE Artists of all levels are invited to BYOM(aterials) and set up in the monthly figure studio. This session is self-guided and is moderated by an instructor to keep…