“Vignettes” is originally a one-off series of illustrations inspired by scarcity, uncertainty, independence, the unconscious.
“Vignettes” is originally a one-off series of illustrations inspired by scarcity, uncertainty, independence, the unconscious.
From studying plant silhouettes to guided brushstroke techniques, discover the magic of fluid ink.
We know you love your family pet - and now you can paint their portrait to love too!
An exploration of acrylic painting techniques, meditation, and the work of Paul Klee to kickstart your creativity!
Try some of the techniques that STREET, MURAL, and MIXED MEDIA artists use to create your own piece that mimics the iconic look.
Explore watercolor painting through experimental approaches that include assorted paper, tools and techniques.
A Haitian Folkloric Dance Workshop to Commemorate Sezon Gede. Open to anyone, no experience necessary!
An exclusive night with the current Resident Studio Artists at Arts Warehouse!
Bring your own materials and set up in the figure studio as the nude model moves through different poses. This is a self-guided session!
Bring your own materials and set up in the figure studio as the nude model moves through different poses. This is a self-guided session!