February 23rd - March 30th, 2018
ACTIVE Russell Bellamy | Jen Clay | Nick Mahshie | Sarah Knouse | Cherie Saleeby February 23rd – March 30th, 2018 ACTIVE explores work that encourages some kind of movement,…
January 12th - February 10th, 2018
Lifebloodlust Works by Christina Nicola January 12th – February 19th, 2018 life·blood·lust /ˈlīfˌblədˌləst / Our past trauma and disparities have shaped who we are today. We have all experienced brokenness…
December 2017 - January 9th 2018
WALK DONT WALK Works by Todd Lim December 2017 – January 9th, 2018 WALK DONT WALK serves as inspiration for conversation and change, exploring significant issues of our time. It…