ReUse Fabric Bag Workshop

Arts Warehouse 313 NE 3rd Street, Delray Beach, FL

Create one of a kind shopping bags or foldover pouches using recycled fabrics!


Art Shots | Artwork Photo Sessions

Take advantage of our white walls and natural light to get photos of your current artwork. Staff will take photos in one of the studio spaces and send them via email to use digitally.


Art Shots | Artwork Photo Sessions

Take advantage of our white walls and natural light to get photos of your current artwork. Staff will take photos in one of the studio spaces and send them via email to use digitally.


Workshop | Mixed Media & Street Art Techniques

Arts Warehouse 313 NE 3rd Street, Delray Beach, FL

Try some of the techniques that STREET, MURAL, and MIXED MEDIA artists use to create your own piece that mimics the iconic look.


Workshop | Intro to Clay

Test the "clay waters" in this workshop exploring the medium with resident artist Kass O'Brien.
