Nickki Lewis-Parker



Nickki is a new artist, who despite a lifelong dream of being an Engineer, during her last year and a half in college was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. First, temporarily, losing sight in her left eye for nearly a year, then the ever-growing systematic list of symptoms. As destructive and world-ending at the time, this has come to be a gift in resilience. With the death of her Grandmother, a mysterious yearning to create something in hopes of lessening her mother’s grief washed over her, thus creating her first painting in 2021. Nickki attends classes at Boca Raton Museum of Art School and became a Pop-Up Artist at Arts Warehouse. Throughout her journey, she has met head-on the differences in world and visual perspectives anew to her. It has been an uncomfortable walk towards a new unfounded nor dreamt vision of her life, equally through the turmoil of finding praise and pride again after a decade of battling her own body for autonomy. Among the many new experiences that this new world has afforded her, she is grateful and appreciative to be honored by Skirts of South Florida Magazine in this coming November’s issue about her journey as an upcoming artist.



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