
September 2nd – October 29th, 2022

Waves showcases 27 artists’ work selected from an Open Call for Art. The call encouraged artists to consider Waves in multiple meanings such as heat wave, electromagnetic wave, waves of emotion, waves of political unrest, to name a few of the Waves we experience in life. The result is a as we reflect on issues with Climate Change. The result was an extremely diverse collection of work that encourages us to reflect on changes in our environment locally in Florida, and also world wide through imagery both literal and symbolic.

In conjunction with the seasonal King Tides, The City of Delray Beach and the Office of Sustainability organizes a climate education outreach event to raise awareness about the impacts of climate changes and the need to proactively adapt. The theme for Climate & Art Weekend this year is Waves, inspiring the name of the exhibition at Arts Warehouse. The weekend invites organizations from around the city to be involved. Programs to be included are artist talks, art exhibitions, in-person panels, environmental activities, and others. As a coastal city within a larger coastal area, Delray Beach hopes to share the realities of the climate crisis, rising tides, and ultimately how it can directly affect us and the local neighborhoods in the future.

Changes in Climate have happened in slowly oscillating waves, over long periods characterized mainly by gradual change. Historically, climate represented as Waves, had a long wavelength and a low frequency. We are currently experiencing a change in climate that’s represented by a very differently shaped wave. Climate change now is happening at an unprecedented rate. With this scientific topic comes conversations that can be made more impactful through visual and verbal platforms.

For information on the artists and works exhibited, please click here.


Exhibiting Artists

Angela Bulich
Angelica Clyman
Ausrine Kerr
Ates Isildak
Autumn Kirton
Bonnie Levinson
Cheryl Maeder
Christopher Warren

Dana Kleinman
Deborah Perlman
Diane Lublinski
Jerilyn Brown
Joyce Sarachan
Kimberly Bauldree
Kristin Miller
Matt Whitman

Melanie Oliva
Molly Aubry
Nicole Maynard
Patricia Lappin
Pavel Ouporov
Samuel Spear Jr.
Todd Lim
Wuilfredo Soto
Zoe Alexa