Meets the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 5:30 – 7:30pm
This group is comprised of artists in varying mediums to provide support, educational resources, peer critiques/feedback, and discussions about pricing, workshops, etc. All levels and art forms welcome. FYI you may come to the group at any time during the designated hours; don’t worry if you can’t get here until after work, you are welcome! Click here for a list of Art Crew meeting dates!
1. SOCIALIZE – take a break from your studio or workspace
2. LEARN – what other artists in your area are working on, and in the contemporary art world
3. SHARE – what projects inspire you
4. NETWORK – make connections with others in the art world
5. OPPORTUNITIES – by growing your art network, new project, exhibiting, and grant opportunities are possible
6. PARTICIPATE – share feedback & collaborate
7. VOLUNTEER – give your time and efforts for the benefit of you and others
8. PRACTICE – put your ideas into practice
9. EXPOSURE – a space to put yourself and your work out there
10. BLOG – share your experiences in your blog/Social Media posts.