Martha Dominguez
Martha has dedicated her artistic career to the visual arts, fine arts and design. For years, she’s been devoted to the nuances of expressing her artistic views. In some cases the message has been highly conceptual and in other cases abstract visuals invite the audience to come closer and explore what the canvas has to offer. This constant search for new ways to explore relationships between reality and imagination provokes different interpretations on paintings that capitalize on the dualities of the real and the surreal, and as she continues to create new pieces every previous experience takes part in the creative process allowing the work to continue to reveal itself.
Martha received a Bachelor’s Degree in Art and Design from “Instituto de Diseno” in Caracas, Venezuela. Moving to the US in the 80’s, she continued advanced studies in The Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale where she later became a full-time instructor. Her paintings have been exhibited at galleries, presented at several art shows, included in projects nationwide as well as overseas, and included in important publications. She is also a co-founder of a non-profit organization as bringing art to needed communities is part of her artistic goal.
Email | martha@marthaspaintings.com
Web | marthaspaintings.com
IG | @marthaspaintings